Sunday 25 October 2009

Day 92 - Hoi An


To buy or not to buy, that is the question... I decided last night that I'm not going to buy any more clothes, but still this morning I am getting tempted. I could wangle out a more expensive suit at the reputable places and still pay only £200 for a tailor made suit in a quality fabric that I'm sure would be lovely. After another stroll around town I decide that this is not a good way to spend my money and I can pick up a suit for the same price at home in Marks and Spencers and it will probably be better if not the same quality.

My morning takes me out to one of the Islands near Hoi An which isn't that interesting apart from a transaction where I am initially quoted 5000VND for three banana fritters and after some negotiation, I end up getting 3 for the 5000VND. It is typical of nearly every transaction in Vietnam, where you are quoted outrageous prices compared to the locals for food and even things as basic as bottled water. My journal is seriously out of date and I have a span of days from a month ago that I need to write up, so I place my self in a cafe on the river front and end up whiling away 4 hours writing and drinking tea/coffee. I know I said I wasn't going to buy any more stuff, but a few silk ties glistened in the light reflecting of the river in that oh so special way and beckoned me to part with my money. The initial price was $7 for one, but after some talking and smiling I end up getting them for just less than $3 each. No more buying!

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