Tuesday 8 September 2009

Day 45 - Zhangjiajie, Wulingyuan National Park


The train gets into Zhangjiajie a bit late, but it's still reasonably early in the morning. After a brief spell of confusion of how to get to the park, I am pointed in the right direction by a Chinese girl who just comes over to help me out. We get on our different buses, as Juste is staying in the city as she has an early train the next day, while I have an evening one so can stay in the park. Once I get to the park gates, I get several different stories as to the location of the hostel some people saying it doesn't even exist, but eventually I get it marked down on a map and then I set off. It's 248 Yuan to get in, which is the most expensive entrance ticket yet, but it's valid for two days and they even scan your fingerprint (I'm unsure as to whether it's to keep tabs on you in case you commit any crimes, or identify your body if you fall off one of the peaks...). Once inside the park the buses are all free to use that run around inside, but I decide to walk mostly as I want to see the scenery, I should also mention that I have my whole pack with me at the moment and although it's heavy, I think I am getting used to the weight as it feels a lot better than when I first started over a month ago.

Once I eventually reach the hostel, it's location is perfect, set in the middle of the park and around some stunning scenery, the peaks of the park rising up like pillars all around. In the evening I get talking to some of the other guests, a couple from Canada who have been traveling for around 9 months and are doing another 9, a guy who is from Guangzhou and a few students from the local area. I get some good tips on where to go and if I want to see it all, then I will have to wake up very early tomorrow. As I walk around at dusk a dog also decides to follow me and I keep thinking she will bite me and I'll end up getting rabies, but I guess it just likes my company.