Saturday 1 August 2009

Day 8 - Novosibirsk


Shrooms is the order of the day and we wake up at 5.45am don our forest gear and proceed to grab a bus out to the forest. Once there I get the low down on what mushrooms you can eat, which ones will make you ill and which ones will send you off a journey of another sort. Igor's dad comes out to the forest early to pick, as lots of old men and women come to the forest and gather the mushrooms and they live near by so if you arrive later in the day, they will all be gone. He also tells me that in the morning the grass is still wet and so he can easily see where other people have been and picked, so he can find the spots which haven't been touched. We end up gathering 3 bags of mushrooms and Igor finds an absolute beast! I manage to stumble upon some kind of mushroom holy ground and harvest a collection of beauties right at the end, which fills my bag out nicely. We are dressed for the occasion and among our items we have over boots, made by Igor's dad from Russian radioactive/chemical warfare suits. Safe!

We get back home at around 9.30 and clean all the shrooms and cut them up. The big ones are massive meaty buggers as big as my hand and look amazing.

The next task of the day is to get what Igor called the true Russian experience and have my visa registered. We get to the police station just after 3pm and end up leaving at about 6.20pm. The details are too long to go into, but it involved a mass of forms photocopies, queuing, confusion, unhelpful people, helpful people and letters written on my behalf. An interesting experience.

Day 7 - Novosibirsk


Today as Igor's dad puts it, is business day. We have admin stuff to do and bits and bobs around town. The main tasks for me are to buy my train ticket and also register my visa.

I manage to get my ticket to Vladivostok at the train station without too much trouble, except the lady at the ticket window seemed to have woken up on the wrong hemisphere, let alone the wrong side of bed. I should also probably state, that I didn't get my ticket, Igor got it as my Russian skills would still have her barking at me now. A train ticket bought from Novosibirsk to Vladivostok takes just over 4 days, and you travel about 6000km in total to the east crossing 4 time zones. It cost me 9430 Rubles which is about 197 quid, not so cheap, but for such a long journey and travelling second class (Out of 4), it's not so bad.

We also try and get my visa registered today, but the police station is closed, so put it off until tomorrow afternoon.
Igor's dad is quite creative and creates mosaics and makes medieval armour and swords, so we obviously don the chain mail helmets and take a few snaps.
Tomorrow is mushroom picking day and a 6am start, so we call it a day quite early in preparation for our forest adventure.