Thursday 1 October 2009

Day 66 - Tagong, Ganzi


It's the Israeli expedition to Litang at a bright and breezy 8am, they board their minibus and prepare to take the 4014m high town by force. It's been good fun talking with them and travelling around with a big group of people, but my loneliness doesn't last for long. I go and get ready to wait for my bus to Ganzi, which is supposed to pass through at around 2pm on it's way up from Kanding. While waiting I run into a French couple, who I met briefly a few days before, they are also going to Ganzi and so we band together for the journey. Due to the bad weather it turns out the bus might not arrive or it might not be able to get all the way to Ganzi on the dodgy roads, we decide to cut our losses and take a mini bus to Ganzi which ends up costing a little more, but we are assured of making it to our destination.

We end up changing vehicle 3 different times, and feeling like we are in a game of pass the parcel as we are shifted from driver to driver, each one with a worse Rally Driver mistaken identity. By the time we are in our third and final car, it's night time and pitch black, yet the driver still thinks he is Colin McRae and takes the corners like he is driving in the World Championships. What makes it even better is that we actually take off about every 30 seconds and catch so much air that Tony Hawk would be proud. When we arrive at Ganzi at a sleepy 10pm I can honestly say that it was the most ridiculously dangerous driving I have ever experienced.

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