Wednesday 23 September 2009

Day 57 - Yangshuo

17.09.09 Today it's bicycle time. With Wolfram and Muriel, we rent mountain bikes from the Giggling Tree and head up to the Dragon Bridge on the Yulong River, which is about 3 hours away with a leisurely cycle and a few stops. The scenery along the way is outstanding, rice fields, peaks springing up from the ground in a way they can only do in Asia, ducks wading around in the streams and the river winding off into the distance. When we reach the bridge it's just in time for lunch and we feast on beer fish, various vegetables and some stir fried pork, washed down with an ice cold beer or two. What makes it even better is the fact that we are eating on several bamboo rafts tied together and are floating out on the river, it couldn't get better and the surroundings have to be up there with the most beautiful scenes I've ever seen. After lunch, it would be rude not to have a swim in the river and so we jump in and for some reason the local children either like me a lot or hate me and decide that they are going to play with me. 'Playing', entails jumping in and bombing next to me so I get splashed and then teaming up to splash me, I'm not the strongest of swimmers by a long shot and at certain points I catch mouth fulls of water and am severely outnumbered, so I retreat to the shore and away from my attackers. We are shortly joined by Albert who cycles up and then we make the journey home, leaving a bit too late so we are cycling in the dark. My head torch comes in mighty handy.

The evening sees many beers and a meal in the 'Tree's' restaurant/cafe/bar. It's deceptive as they don't take money off you there and then, instead charging it to your bill, so when you leave you pay it all together. It's a nice system as you don't worry about it, but at the same time you could run up a costly bill with out realising it. Watch this space.

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