Saturday 5 September 2009

Day 44 - Huang Shan, Hangzhou


A day of buses and trains is the main fare for today. We jump on our Hangzhou bound bus at 7.50am to catch our afternoon train to Zhangjiajie. At the train station it's the standard routine of everyone getting up and ready to rush the gates as soon as they open and then onto the platform like some kind of riot. We already have sleeper berths reserved, so don't really need to jump in with the Chaos, but it's fun to do, so we get stuck in anyway!

Once on the train I try and persist with some Mandarin learning on my MP3 player and then have my dinner consisting of the Chinese version of a pot noodle, customised by adding some sausage and fresh tomatoes. I think we have hit a carriage with a Chinese tour group as everyone is chatting to each other, playing games and eating together, like some kind of Chinese social club. It's fun to watch although we have to do it from our top bunks which probably have about 2 feet of room between the bed and the roof. The saving grace being that up high you are right next to the air conditioning, and on a hot train that's a god send.

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